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Many years ago, I used to hear these words, "I'll do my best". These days, I say it to others because it carries such a strong conviction in just mouthing those words.
The one who used to say these words didn't realise the impact it would have on me. But I have always thought that someone who responds with these words show a capacity to give their all.
The person is Suzee. Some may know her, or of her, if they have been in my life long enough.
I remember whenever I asked her to help me with something, her reply would always be "I'll do my best". And it always was her best!
Once I asked her to sew some press buttons on some curtains for me, and she did them so neatly and beautifully. More than that, she returned them to me the next day!
Another time, when she helped to paint my apartment, she chose the most difficult job of doing the grilles. Where the brush couldn't reach wasn't a problem for her! She just dipped her finger in the paint and used her finger to coat the parts that the brush could not reach. That she would do something like that really blew my mind. Until today when I see my grilles, I think of her and how she just went about to do her best.
It wasn't any particular big project that she did for me, it was just small and random tasks but the manner in which she did it all, showed so much of who she is as a person. I cannot remember everything that she has done for me but I will always remember her response!
How many of us remember to do our best in all we do? I sometimes forget but Suzee's words ring in my head and then I do just that little bit more because that would be my best.
It's how I can feel good and right with myself and in my heart. It's how I know that I can do my best. I am in awe of Suzee's attitude.
Little does she know that her words have stuck with me through all the years. Little does she know that I have tried to live with this motto.
I hope that in time, someone else who hears me say "I'll do my best" will also feel something stirring inside and do the same.
Thank you, Suzee, for all the love you've shown and continue to send to me.
Whatever happens in life, I'll do my best, Suzee. I hope you're proud of how your big heart has changed me.