Thursday, December 31, 2020



Those who know me well, know I love a game of scrabble.  And so when I saw this, I was reminded of many games played with loved ones.  It seemed a fitting image for times gone by and for all the lovely memories.

Anyway, we're in the last night of 2020 and this is scheduled for publishing at 11.59 pm. 

So Happy New Year and goodbye to a strange twelve months for so many of us.

We couldn't travel much but with technology we stayed in touch with our loved ones.

2020 has been somewhat special for us because we felt God's love and blessings in a truly personal way.  

2021 is representative of SFGEMS because Stephen was born on the 20th and I was on the 21st.  I like that the new year will combine our birthday numbers.  Plus looking at it backwards, it reminds me of Jared and Doug.  

Every day of the next 365 days will be treasured with more love and laughter.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve Anniversary!


We are blessed to have each other!  

Happy anniversary, Stephen Felix Grosse!

Images from Instagram