Thursday, November 30, 2023

Going back


Image taken from I can't remember where 

We were back in Kuala Lumpur recently for ten days.  We've been away for a while, so it was a nice short trip to kill some birds with one stone, so to speak.  We caught up with family and also attended a church wedding as well as a different reception the next day.  It was a busy time as we rushed to do some quick shopping for traditional outfits for the occasion.  Everything turned out to be sensational. 

Although I used to travel by coach almost every weekend before I moved to Singapore, we usually take a flight nowadays.  Stephen says we fly for the speed and convenience of getting from Point A to Point B.  Actually, a coach ride is pretty relaxing these days.  I've seen the newer luxury coaches, and they look pretty comfortable.  However, it is a long five-hour drive and could be lengthened if there is any accident on the highway.

We usually take Firefly now although it costs slightly more than other airlines.  We pay for the ease of immigration clearance and proximity to the KL home.  Firefly is from Seletar to Subang.  Overall, it is worth the extra dollars!  

The picture above brought back memories of when the coach used to reach this area and I realise that I am at the end of the long journey back.  The KL home is just a wee bit yonder from the dark greenery in this picture. 

We'll be back, KL!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Nothing is better than this

Image from Pinterest


Stephen loves kids.  In general, he finds every baby or toddler so cute while I reserve judgement in some cases!  Hence, it isn't any wonder that he is fantastic with children.

Even the kids in our neighbourhood know him by name.  

More than anything else, I love how he loves Jared, Gwen and little Cayla.  It is a blessing beyond compare.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Of who matters

Image from Pinterest


I used to think that I would never leave KL.  I believed that it would be where I would spend my retirement years.  It seems that we don't really know the future and can only speculate about it.

As it turned out, I moved to Singapore upon early retirement.  It was not an easy move and more out of necessity than desire.  Somehow, it has turned out to be what would be an amazing journey of discovery about who I am!

On my way here in 2012, I was filled with trepidation as this would not only be a change of environment, it would also be a change of lifestyle.

Thankfully, I negotiated the steep learning curves and found the plateau of being contented with it all.  

I have changed so much.  This I am certain of because I no longer have the same interests.  It is much like a *before* and *after* Singapore timeline.  

Here in Singapore, life is almost constantly revolving around Stephen.  And as we age, it really doesn't matter where we are as long as we are together.  I am grateful and blessed to be in his life as he is to be in mine.  

Image from Pinterest

Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Image from www

I write even when I don't know if anybody is reading.  But I have stats if I need to check!

I write mostly to organise my thoughts and often I see things clearly after putting words down on paper.  I also write because it ends up being a kind of timeline for what's happening in my quiet and sedentary life.

I think we write better when we think no one is reading.  It makes us braver and bolder with what we want to say.  It is akin to being in a confessional when we make known our secrets/sins.

More than anything else, I write because I enjoy doing it.  No pressure, just pleasure, so says a friend of mine.  He's right.

Thursday, November 09, 2023

A month ago!

 One of the rare invitations received this year!  

Rare?  Because we replied YES!

B.A.P. Unión is a beautiful training ship. 

Thursday, November 02, 2023

All Souls (Belated)

Image from www

I meant to put this up on 2nd November but was caught up with doing other things.  

These four chairs caught my eye and attention when I saw it.  My immediate thoughts were of the four men who made an impact in my life.  

Just leaving this here to remember Horacio, Antonio, Douglas and Eric.