Thursday, September 17, 2020

M is for memories and so much more

It's been a long time since I really needed to be anywhere purposefully.  There were many days when I did have to go out even when I didn't feel like it!  Sitting and waiting for results or news didn't make the hours go by quickly!

One solution for me, at that time, was to read but concentration was difficult.  I did some word games and managed to lose myself in it for a bit.  Stephen also joined me to do some of the challenges.  

Then someone said I should doodle.  It should be easy but that was hard for me.  Doodling is fine when you don't think about it like when you're on the phone.  Otherwise, it can be a daunting task to stare at a white page.  Plus, I'm not exactly the creative kind and art was always a chore for me.  Anyway, I gave it a shot and I am glad I kept these to remember those meaningful times.

This was the first page in my doodle notebook!

Naturally, my thoughts were on one person at that time

and so I went with this.

Looking back, I don't even remember doing these!

I just wanted to fill up the time when mom was asleep.

I tried to steer my thoughts to whatever was playing on my mind.

Creativity doesn't come naturally to me!
 I had to struggle to keep at it.

Somehow these doodles helped me through tough times and I'm saving them here as part of my memories and Mom Myra.  


This is a favourite picture with mom and her trademark smile when we celebrated her birthday in 2013, at Quentin's, with a nice Eurasian meal.  She was still hale and hearty then and I remember how she asked the waiter if they had tosai!  We all had a good laugh.  We still smile when we think about that day!


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