Friday, April 19, 2024

Mum Rose and Memories

When Mum Rose Cheow died on 19 December 2023, I was in Singapore.  There was such a sadness that permeated my being when I heard that she was gone! 

I had known her since I was 14 so we had a connection that spanned over 50 years.  It struck me that she was always in my life albeit not always physically.  In the earlier years, it was our love for Doug that naturally drew us together.  In the latter part of my life, she was always hovering in the background and never let me forget that she had my back!

The one thing that I shall remember most about her is that she took chances in life and made the best of everything.  

I had not expected for her to leave anything to me since I am, technically, out of the family picture.  Hence, it was a surprise to see that she had thought of me and left something tangible to keep.  I don't really need anything, but her kindness and thoughtfulness has yet again reminded me that this is the path to follow.

When I saw her little note, it made me tear up.  I have kept a letter that she wrote to me in 1992.  The familiar writing tugged at my heart.  1992 was an especially difficult year but knowing she would be there for me, offering to be there for me, made it bearable.  I shall always be eternally grateful for her love and support throughout the last 50 years.

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