Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Of My Imperfect World

I think this is true for everyone although there are so many who try very hard to create an illusion that they have a perfect life.

I will be the first to admit that my life isn't perfect. As far as I know, I have never had a need to pretend that it was or is perfect.

When I hear stories or read mails about people who create an illusion of their lives, I can only shake my head and shrug my shoulders.  There is something missing in their hearts for them to live the way they do.  It's a kind of compensation for what is lacking inside that compels them to build facades for the delusional life that they have.

No matter how they shout out that they are happy and living a blissful life, there is a very sad person at the heart of it all.

This makes me relish my imperfect world with imperfect people!

This is what makes the world turn.....


  1. Imperfectly Perfect!

    1. Thanks, Chief. You are so efficient to comment on FB and also here.

      Sometimes I am tempted to copy and paste the FB comments here but so far I have not given in to the temptation. :)

  2. I'm playing catchup today ;)

    How very boring to be perfectly perfect!

    1. Give me imperfection or give me death! LOL

      It was lovely to see all the catching up. :)
