Saturday, January 02, 2021

Irresolute resolutions

So I was chatting with a friend about doing a-photo-a-day again.  I did it in 2012 with the previous blog I had.  But I realise that I am more unconventional than other people.  Hence I decided that I would save my photo or photos here, whenever or wherever I take them.  I will make an effort to post at least one image daily but I won't let it hold me prisoner of my words.

I told  my friend that when I did the project 366 (it was a leap year) last time, it really made me look at things in a different way.  For sure, I was searching for a photo to take but it also forced me to see things with a more focused view.   And I just noticed that the 2012 and 2021 numbers are a co-incidence.  4D anybody????

Anyway, I will consider this a half-baked resolution.  There!  I've sealed it in writing!  

Most of the last two years have gone by without any documenting except for the uncountable photos of Cayla Gail.  I'm hoping that taking and saving other photos here, will be a good reminder of my 2021 and that we did live despite covid-19 in our midst.

My first photo of this year was of a beautiful kingfisher.  There is actually a pair of them but only one was perched on this tree outside my kitchen window when I took this shot.  It was drizzling but I couldn't capture the raindrops with my Samsung HP camera.

Then while on our way to lunch, I took these other two shots.  I hope they will remind me of the ride to Far East Plaza.

The sign caught my eye because it said "Balmoral Road".  We have been binge watching The Crown on Netflix and I felt that I should get a picture but the rain prevented a clear view.  I never noticed this sign before.  This will help me remember that moment.   Now we're watching The House of Windsor.  God save the Queen!  hahahahahahaha

It had been raining non-stop since before I woke up on the first day of 2021.  I remember hearing the rain in my on/off sleep mode.  When I finally got up, it was a slight drizzle but it stayed wet all day.

Today is no different.  It's another very heavy-pouring-rain kind of day.  I feel like the rain hasn't stopped at all.  

It's already late morning but it's still a bit dark and gloomy.  The sound of the rain is my companion and I need the lights on but not the fan.  

Stephen has gone to work already.   He's such a trooper.  When I feel conventional, he's ready and willing.  When I'm unconventional, he's raring to go.  We're so unlike two peas in a pod but we make it work.

I've made another resolution but that's a secret for now.  I'll share if I have kept it when the year is over.  If not, who cares, right?

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